
In the picturesque landscape of our small Vermont town, residents and businesses join hands as advocates for a brighter future. We are the heartbeat of this community, an alliance of diverse individuals and entrepreneurial ventures, all driven by a common purpose: to champion the cause of walking and biking as integral elements of our town’s identity.

Among us are young families, who find joy in cycling to school with their children, and seniors who cherish leisurely strolls along our scenic streets. We are parents, grandparents, students, professionals, and retirees, bound together by the vision of a town that thrives on active transportation. Our dream is for a healthier, greener, and more vibrant community where the simple act of walking or biking fosters a sense of togetherness.

Local businesses are the heartbeat of our town’s economic landscape. From cozy cafes to bicycle shops, these entrepreneurial spirits stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us in this mission. They understand that a town where residents and visitors comfortably walk and bike is a town where businesses flourish. Our local entrepreneurs have pledged their support, offering bike racks for customers, sponsoring community events, and embracing a culture that promotes active transportation within their establishments.

In our collective identity as residents and businesses, we recognize that our strength lies in unity. We are proud to be part of a community that values sustainability, health, and the connections that bind us together. As we work hand in hand, we aim to transform our town into a place where the joy of walking and biking is shared by all, and where our businesses thrive in an environment that prioritizes people over cars. Together, we are the driving force behind a brighter, more active future for our Vermont town.

Special thanks to Julia Witte Zimmerman for our logo design.